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NC4AR Tri-County Amateur Radio Club :: Forums :: NC4AR FORUMS :: Member Forum
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Proposed amendment to club bylaws
Author Post
Sat Oct 23 2021, 03:14pm

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Apr 22 2008, 11:38am

Posts: 145

Please note that the following proposal for amendment of the club's bylaws was submitted at the October 2021 monthly meeting and will be considered at the November 2021 monthly meeting:
Motion by W8LWX-John for Amendment of the Bylaws
to Eliminate Term Limits for President and Vice President
I move that  the current Bylaws of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club, as adopted December 10, 2016 (last amended on April 10, 2021), be amended by (a) deleting Section 5.8 (which provides, "No person may be elected as President, nor may any person be elected as Vice President, for more than two consecutive terms.") and (b) renumbering Section 5.9 as Section 5.8.

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