Tri-County Amateur Radio Club Minutes of Meeting: 18 Dec. 2021
A regular monthly meeting of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club, also constituting the club's annual meeting, was held on Saturday, 18 December 2021 at 8:30 am EST in Room 221 of the Finch Building at Davidson-Davie Community College, 297 DCC Road, Thomasville, with the president, W4DAE-David, being in the chair. The meeting was called to order at 8:31 am.
Members Attending: K8AOK, Donn; W4DAE, David; K4KKT, Joe; W8LWX, John; KJ4NUS, Steve; KJ4NUU, Vanda; and KJ4UYR, Janice.
Guests: None.
Adoption of Agenda
A draft agenda, which had been distributed prior to commencement of the meeting, was adopted by unanimous consent.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
By unanimous consent, reading of the minutes of the November 2021 meeting was waived and they were adopted.
Reports of Officers and Committees
Report of the Secretary. -- There have been no roster changes since the previous meeting..
Report of the Treasurer. -- There have been no changes to the figures reported at the previous meeting, except that the club's PayPal balance was transferred to its local checking account as recommended by the auditor in the previous year's audit.
On November 27, 2021, we received our long-awaited "exemption letter" from the IRS. The club is now officially recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt charitable organization under IRC Sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(2), effective May 6, 2021. As noted in the letter, "Donors can deduct contributions they make to you under IRC Section 170. You're also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522." The letter is dated 11/12/2021.
Report of the President. -- W4DAE, David, reported the following:
We will continue to meet in the free classroom space provided by Davidson-Davie Community College in the coming months.
There have been no further problems with interference on the club's Thursday night nets. As previously discussed, unintentional interference has sometimes arisen because of an anomaly in the configuration of the linking system. Our approach to dealing with it if it arises again is to simply drop the link and continue the net for that week on the primary net frequency (the club repeater on 145.290 MHz).
Open Motions from Previous Meeting
There were no open motions from the previous meeting.
New Business
Section 4.1 of the club's bylaws states that "[t]he regular meeting for December of each year shall be the annual meeting." Section 5.3 provides that officers shall be elected for a term of one year at the annual meeting in December. The Nominating Committee having nominated the current officers to serve again, and there being no other nominations from the floor at the previous meeting, the 2022 officers were elected by unanimous voice vote as follows: W4DAE, David, as president; K8AOK, Donn, as vice-president; and W8LWX, John, as secretary-treasurer.
Announcements and Discussion
W4DAE announced that he expects the club will want to participate in at least three events in the upcoming year:
* Winter Field Day (3rd weekend in January), sponsored by WFDA;
* NC QSO Party (last weekend in February), sponsored by the Raleigh ARS; and
* ARRL Field Day (last full weekend in June), sponsored by ARRL.
In each case, club members who want to do these events should volunteer to take charge of organizing the club's participation. The president will look in January for 2-3 members for each committee (one committee per event). The idea is to get specific people lined up to focus on each event so that we can do a better job of participating.
W8LWX announced that the 224.720 MHz repeater on Sauratown Mountain has recently changed its CTCSS tone to 110.9 Hz, according to KF4QDS as indicated during last week's Thursday night net.
The due date for 2022 membership dues is the date of our January monthly meeting (January 15, 2022). Dues for 2022 can be paid now. The amounts have not changed. Dues can be paid in person by handing cash or a check to the treasurer (W8LWX) at a meeting, or by mailing to W8LWX at his QTH (65 Park Blvd., Winston-Salem, NC 27127), or via the PayPal link on No PayPal account is required; the PayPal link takes you to a secure site that allows for payment by any major credit card. The club gets the payment but does not see or handle the underlying credit card number.
If payment is made by check, it must be made payable to Tri-County Amateur Radio Club. Checks made out in any other way cannot be deposited into our account.
K8AOK raised the question of whether we should consider changing our meeting times, perhaps even to a weekday. The potential ramifications were discussed, which led to brainstorming on various other things, including the possibility of a "bring one, take one" junkbox swap meet at each meeting whereby the various items that all of us have in our junkboxes at home could migrate toward their best and highest uses in others' hands.
There being no further business on the agreed agenda, the meeting was adjourned without objection at 9:30 am, whereupon commenced the traditional holiday party and $5 gift exchange.
* Family rate covers all members who, as of 20 Jan. 2024, live in same household; or any member and his or her spouse.
** Senior rate covers any member whose birthday is on or before 20 Jan. 1954.
Membership confers full voting rights only on licensed amateur radio operators. Unlicensed members cannot vote or serve as officers but have all other club privileges.