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Lexington Ham Fest
Author Post
Wed Jul 20 2022, 05:09pm
Club Member
Registered Member #105
Joined: Tue Aug 09 2016, 01:48pm

Posts: 13
There will be a Ham Fest in Lexington on 9/24 from 8am to noon at the large Farmer's Market facility. A motion for the club to secure a table at this Ham Fest passed this month (July). The purpose is for goodwill in helping our neighboring club establish their Ham Fest, to promote membership to our club, to sell unused club equipment, and to have a good time!

The club has received donated equipment over the past couple years. Much of it is in an unknown state of repair/function or something the club just doesn't need. Equipment that can serve the club is cataloged by KK4RR and kept at his shack for club use.

In order to decrease the growing stockpile of equipment the club does not need, we will be selling it at the Lexington Ham Fest. NC4AR members are certainly welcome to purchase any of this equipment at the Ham Fest on a first come basis!

If you have equipment you would like to sell at the club's table at the Ham Fest, just let me know. This can be for your own profit, or as a donation to the club.

Here is a list of the equipment the club plans on selling:
1. Four mobile mystery antennas
2. Assorted random switches
3. line-men’s telephone x2
4. Kenwood model TR-7950 2m mobile transceiver… might work? (has manual)
5. Azden 2m FM transceiver… might work? (no manual)
6. Box of 5 table mics (school PA systems?), may/may not work. Some Italian made… probably decent elements
7. SBE Model 33 tube transceiver, has own inverter power supply and manual
8. Audio generator
9. Symetrix 420 two line mic gain
10. BK precision transistor tester in pouch
11. Extech volt/ohm meter; works.
12. Ideal instrument meter; leads?
13. ID pro label maker; needs ribbon
14. old AM radio
15. 70MHz preamp
16. sound level (dB) meter
17. Sears SWR (CB?) meter/tuner; new in box with coax pigtail
18. Audio mixer board
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Coming Up
Thursday Oct. 17 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Saturday Oct. 19 at 11:30
11:30 Monthly Luncheon at Tres Amigos

Thursday Oct. 24 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Oct. 31 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Nov. 07 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

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