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RARSfest 2023
Author Post
Sun Jan 22 2023, 06:07pm
Club President, 2024
Registered Member #140
Joined: Sat Jan 15 2022, 06:36pm

Posts: 13
Good afternoon!

I’m Nancy Torborg, the Chair for RARSfest 2023. I got your email through the club database on the ARRL website. If you are no longer your club contact, please reply and I will remove you from this list. If you do know who your club contact is, please forward this message to them.

Please forward the following message to your members. I don’t send a lot of emails; maybe 1 per month.

Our website is constantly being updated. Your members can go to rarsfest.org to personally subscribe to our newsletter.
Please feel free to spread the word via nets too!

It’s almost time for RARSfest tickets to go on sale!
Check our website www.rarsfest.org on January 30th to purchase tickets, and to read about all the features that make RARSfest™ unique!
· Ticket prices for individuals will be $10 before April 1st, $12 at the door.
· Flea Market tables will be $23 before April 1st, $27 at the door. Flea market table purchase requires an individual admission ticket, sold separately.

Your email confirmation can be printed out or shown at the door for entry.

New for 2023:
We will be accepting credit/debit cards and Apple Pay, in addition to PayPal and checks.

Those purchasing tickets before April 1st will be entered into a special raffle drawing for $100 cash!

RARSfest features:
Dealers of new equipment
Over 230+ flea market tables
VE testing
Cash door prizes
Equipment demonstrations

all in a single climate-controlled space, all on one day! There’s nothing like it anywhere!

Saturday, April 8, 2023 8am-3pm

Nancy KB2TNR Torborg
RARSFest 2023 Chair
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Coming Up
Thursday Oct. 17 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Saturday Oct. 19 at 11:30
11:30 Monthly Luncheon at Tres Amigos

Thursday Oct. 24 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Oct. 31 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Nov. 07 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

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