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February 18 Meeting Agenda Updated February 6
Author Post
Mon Feb 06 2023, 12:20pm
Club President, 2024
Registered Member #140
Joined: Sat Jan 15 2022, 06:36pm

Posts: 13
Meeting Location:

Tres Amigos
108 Randolph St suite 1
Thomasville, NC 27360

1. Call to Order

Club Secretary, W8LWX, attendance?

2. Adoption of Agenda
a. The draft agenda was distributed via e-mail and is posted to nc4ar.org
b. Are there any objections to the draft agenda? (PAUSE)
c. Agenda is approved as distributed

3. Reading and Approval of January Minutes
a. The January minutes were distributed via e-mail and are posted to nc4ar.org
b. If there are no objections, we will waive the reading of the January minutes. (PAUSE)
c. Are there any objections to approving the January minutes as posted?
d. There being no objections, the January minutes are approved as recorded (OR AS AMENDED) by unanimous consent.

4. Reports of Officers and Committees
a. Treasurer:
a. Reminder, 2023 dues are due!

b. Secretary:
a. W8LWX

c. President:
a. Working on the 445.975 link radio, gets to hot and shuts down.
d. Finance audit committee appointment: volunteers: KR3HAB-Albert and KF4QDS-John
e. Summer Field Day committee: criteria: WORK ALL NIGHT
f. NC QSO party committee: KK4RR
g. April meeting: move to second Saturday: Double check with KK4RR on date

5. Open motions from previous meeting(s)
a. none

6. New Business
7. Program & Announcements
a. Share your Shack/Show and Tell:
b. Are there any announcements?
8. Adjourn
a. Are there any objections to closing this meeting at this time? (Pause for objections)
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Coming Up
Thursday Oct. 17 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Saturday Oct. 19 at 11:30
11:30 Monthly Luncheon at Tres Amigos

Thursday Oct. 24 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Oct. 31 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Nov. 07 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

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