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Draft agenda for 03/18/23 meeting
Author Post
Mon Mar 13 2023, 11:07pm

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Apr 22 2008, 11:38am

Posts: 144

[Reminder: Any member attending the meeting can add to the agenda.  If there's something you wish to add for consideration, please raise it either before the day of the meeting, or at the meeting, before the agenda is adopted.]

Draft Agenda (13 Mar. 2023, v.1)
Regular Monthly Meeting of the
Tri-County Amateur Radio Club (NC4AR)

at Tres Amigos restaurant, 108 Randolph St., Thomasville, NC 27360
18 Mar. 2023, 11:30 am EDT

1.  Call to Order

2.  Adoption of Agenda

3.  Reading and Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

4.  Reports of Officers and Committees:

    a. Secretary
    b. Treasurer
    c. President
    d. Field Day Committee

5.  Open motions from previous meeting(s):  None

6.  New Business/motions:

    a. Motion to adopt Field Day Committee's recommendation on whether the club should participate in ARRL Field Day and, if so, exactly where and when and at what cost.

7.  Program & Announcements

    No program.  Announcements from floor.

8.  Adjourn


1. Reports are information about past decisions, past events, or current status.

2. Motions are proposals for future actions by the club, for discussion and approval/disapproval by member vote.

3. Program means a presentation to educate or illuminate on a ham radio topic of interest.

4. Announcements provide information of possible interest to club members.

[ Edited Mon Mar 13 2023, 11:13pm ]
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Coming Up
Thursday Oct. 17 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Saturday Oct. 19 at 11:30
11:30 Monthly Luncheon at Tres Amigos

Thursday Oct. 24 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Oct. 31 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Nov. 07 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

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