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Thu Jun 22 2023, 08:58pm

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Apr 22 2008, 11:38am

Posts: 143

Tri-County Amateur Radio Club
Minutes of Meeting: 17 June 2023

A regular monthly meeting of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club was held on Saturday, 16 June 2023 at 11:30 am EDT at Tres Amigos restaurant, 108 Randolph Street, Thomasville, NC, with the president, NL7UP-MeLinda, being in the chair.  The meeting was called to order at 11:31 am.


Guests: KA4JAH, Mary Weeman, Joy Weeman, Karl Weeman

Adoption of Agenda

A draft agenda had been distributed prior to commencement of the meeting.  Members were invited to propose changes or additions if desired.

1. W4DAE noted that the draft agenda mentions the repeater location approval, but that renewal was already voted on in January of 2023 for the 2023/2024 cycle with the annual budget. The repeater renewal, therefore, should not be debated at this time and thus removed from the agenda.

2. W4DAE requested that the presentation occur after the adjournment of the meeting.

Thus amended, the draft agenda was adopted by unanimous consent.

Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Without objection, reading of the draft minutes of the May 2023 meeting was waived and they were adopted.

Reports of Officers and Committees

Secretary's report*: No changes to roster since last meeting.

Treasurer's report*: For the month ending 31 May 2023, we still had $560.33 left over from our initial operating budget of $850.  We had a total of $1,486.82 in "cash on hand," which includes the balances of our checking, savings, and PayPal accounts, plus any currency, coins, and checks awaiting deposit. After setting aside the funds dedicated to the operating budget, this means that, as of the end of the month, we had a net total of $926.49 in uncommitted resources available for other uses.  For the 2023 membership year, we have received $585.05 in dues, donations, and interest, and have spent $302.70, resulting in net income of $282.35 as of month's end.

President’s Report: Sept 23rd Lexington Amateur Radio club ham fest. NL7UP will find out cost for a table and will report back in the July meeting. At that time, we can discuss if the club would like to reserve a table and what we would like to do with it.
The President also reports current work on a 440 link at her QTH that should work with the club’s repeater. More information to come as the project develops.

To increase the club’s community exposure, if any club member knows of organizational events (churches, etc.) please share that with the club so we can discuss potential club involvement, including event communications, at regular meetings. Charitable/non-commercial events should be the club’s focus.

Report of the Field Day Committee: A picnic area at Oak Hollow Lake in High Point is reserved from 3-7pm. KK4RR will arrive around 1pm to begin radio/antenna set up. NL7UP will be arriving around 3pm with food and bottled water and is not requesting financial reimbursement from the club.

Open Motions from Previous Meeting

There were no open motions from the previous meeting.
New Business

Everybody’s Day discussion: No plans for 2023. The President is soliciting ideas on how the club may participate in the 2024 Everybody’s Day event in Thomasville to increase club community exposure. Ideas can be e-mailed to the President to be discussed in later meetings.

The President solicited member ideas for club activities from the floor:
KK4NWR discussed Red Cross experience and involvement in the past and recommends the club establish a committee that could focus on emergency communication. The committee’s responsibilities would include:
1. Liaison with community partners/organizations.
2. Pre-planning and coordinating practicing emergency communications.
The President established an Emergency Communication Committee and appointed: WB2RFK, KK4NWR, and KF4QDS as members.

Program and Announcements

Announcements: None

Presentation by KA4JAH of the High Point Club on VOTA/CAP followed the adjournment of the meeting: Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program, online version. www.voacap.com


There being no further business on the agreed agenda, the meeting was adjourned without objection at 11:51 am.

Respectfully submitted,
W4DAE - David
Vice President
* Read by W4DAE from notes provided by W8LWX.
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Coming Up
Thursday Sep. 12 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Sep. 19 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Saturday Sep. 21 at 11:30
11:30 Monthly Luncheon at Tres Amigos

Thursday Sep. 26 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

Thursday Oct. 03 at 20:00
8pm NC4AR net 145.290

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