Regular Monthly Meeting of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club (NC4AR) at Tres Amigos restaurant, 108 Randolph St., Thomasville, NC 27360 16 December 2023, 11:30 am EDT
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda As Posted online. 3. Reading and Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting As Posted online. 4. Reports of Officers and Committees: a. Secretary b. Treasurer
c. President Cross-band Repeater back up and running. Input is at 445.975 Mhz. which crosses over to 145.290 Mhz. Seemed to work this past week.
5. Open motions from previous meeting(s):
6. New Business/motions: Election of 2024 Club Officers President MeLinda NL7UP Vice-President Susan N2WOB Secretary John W8LWX Treasurer John W8LWX 7. Program & Announcements a. Thoughts from the Floor, examples Does a group you belong to have an event, and if so, how can this club help out.
Ham Radio Zoom Training Class Calendar 2024
All classes begin at 7p eastern and end at 9p eastern. All classes run for 6 sessions , on consecutive Tuesday evenings unless otherwise stated.
Technician Class Jan 9,16,23,30 Feb 6,13
General Class Feb 20, 27 March 5,12,19,26
Technician Class April 2,9,16,23,30 May 7
General Class May 14,21,28 June 4,11,18
Technician Class July 9,16,23,30 Aug 6,13
General Class Aug 20,27 We skip the week of Labor Day Sep 10,17.24 October 1
Technician Class October 8,15,22,29 Nov 6, We will hold this weeks session on Wednesday evening, because Tuesday is Election Day November 12
There is no charge for the classes. Please contact Rick Weinbaum at to register. 8. Adjourn
* Family rate covers all members who, as of 18 Jan. 2025, live in same household; or any member and his or her spouse.
** Senior rate covers any member whose birthday is on or before 18 Jan. 1955.
Membership confers full voting rights only on licensed amateur radio operators. Unlicensed members cannot vote or serve as officers but have all other club privileges.