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Proposed bylaws amendment - for vote at January 2024 meeting
Author Post
Mon Dec 18 2023, 10:08pm

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Apr 22 2008, 11:38am

Posts: 145

At the December 2023 meeting, W8LWX proposed certain amendments to the club's bylaws in order to streamline our monthly gatherings and make them more enjoyable for everyone.  Three new PDF documents relating to that proposal are now posted in the public "Downloads" area of this website.  Click "Downloads" in the menu bar, then look under the listings for "Bylaws."  Each of the three new items has its own link.  Click on the link, then click on the fat blue downward-pointing arrow in the "Get" column to start the download.
W8LWX Summary of the Proposal
Under the current bylaws, we are required to hold 12 formal business meetings a year, even in months when there's no actual business to conduct.  This just wastes everyone's time and makes our monthly gatherings less enjoyable.  Therefore, the proposed bylaws change would let us cut the number of required formal business meetings from 12 per year to as few as 3 per year, while still preserving our ability to hold more (as "special" business meetings) anytime we need to.

In recent years, almost all of the club's formal business decisions have been made in just 3 or 4 business meetings.  We haven't really needed the other 8 or 9, and yet we've all had to sit through the adoption of an agenda, approval of minutes from the previous meeting, reports of the secretary and treasurer, and so on, even though there was no actual business to conduct -- i.e., nothing to be decided and no votes to be taken.  Then, after each of those 8 or 9 useless meetings, the secretary has had to type up minutes and send them around -- just to say, in essence, that nothing happened!

Nothing in this proposal would keep us from getting together at Tres Amigos on the third Saturday of each month.  It just lets us skip the formal business meeting when we don't need one.  If something does come up in an "off month" that actually requires us to have a formal business meeting, we can always do that, too, under this proposal.
A vote on this proposal will be held at the club's next regular monthly meeting (January 2024).
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Saturday Feb. 15 at 11:30
11:30 Monthly Luncheon at Tres Amigos

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