Tri-County Amateur Radio Club Minutes of Regular Business Meeting: 15 June 2024
A regular business meeting of the Tri-County Amateur Radio Club was held on Saturday, 15 June 2024 at 11:30 am EDT at Tres Amigos restaurant, 108 Randolph Street, Thomasville, NC, with the president, NL7UP-MeLinda, being in the chair. The meeting was called to order at 11:30 am.
A draft agenda had been distributed prior to commencement of the meeting. Members were invited to propose changes or additions if desired. Without objection, the draft agenda was adopted.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
Without objection, reading of the draft minutes of the January 2024 meeting was waived and they were adopted.
Reports of Officers and Committees
Report of the Secretary. -- As of 15 June 2024, the club had 36 members, all in good standing on 2024 dues.
Report of the Treasurer. -- For the month ending 31 May 2024, we still had $518.16 left over from our initial operating budget of $865. We had a total of $1,459.93 in "cash on hand," which includes the balances of our checking, savings, and PayPal accounts, any currency, coins, and checks awaiting deposit. Thus we had a net total of $941.47 in uncommitted resources. For the 2024 membership year, we have received $538.46 in dues, donations, and interest, and have spent $359.14, resulting in net income of $179.32 for the year, through May.
Report of the Field Day Committee. -- KK4RR announced that the club will participate in 2024 ARRL Field Day on Saturday, June 22, from a two-radio, three-antenna portable station, using battery and solar power, operating from the parking area of the North Carolina Vietnam Veterans' Memorial rest stop off I-85 at mile marker 100. Set-up will begin at 10:00 am. The on-air ARRL Field Day event begins at 2:00 pm. Tear-down will commence at 5:00 pm. The club or its members will also operate a POTA station from the site during the event. This site will cost the club nothing and provides an opportunity to illustrate ham radio to hundreds of passersby. Full details will be distributed via e-mail on the club's mailing list.
Report of the 2024 Thomasville "Everybody's Day" Committee. -- WW4RB announced that the committee had secured a free booth for the club, to be chosen from within the area between bleachers and the caboose, behind the bandstand. The tentative plan is to set up for this event in a manner similar to what is planned for ARRL Field Day (see above).
Report of the President. -- NL7UP reported that the personal radio used for cross-linking to the club's 145.290 MHz repeater on 445.975 MHz from the NL7UP shack has failed. There are no immediate plans to replace it.
Open Motions from Previous Meeting(s)
Final approval and adoption of CY2023 Treasurer's report. -- W8LWX moved that the CY2023 treasury report, as posted on and e-mailed to members on 07 January 2024, be approved and adopted by the club. The motion was adopted without objection.
New Business
Addition to operating budget for CY2024. -- W8LWX moved that the 2024 operating budget for "postage, paper, and other office/administrative supplies," currently at $40.00, be increased to $40.08 to accommodate a purchase of two books of first-class stamps at current rates. The motion was adopted without objection.
Surge protector for club repeater. -- W8LWX moved that the Treasurer be authorized to purchase an Eaton Isobar 8 3840-joule line voltage surge suppressor for not more than $125 and install it at the club repeater site. The motion was adopted without objection.
Appointment of Nominating Committee. -- W8LWX moved to require the President to appoint a Nominating Committee under Bylaws Section 5.2 at this meeting and direct its chairman to announce the committee's nominations by October 1, 2024. The motion was adopted without objection, whereupon the President appointed KK4RR (chair), N2WOB, and W8LWX to serve as the committee.
Program and Announcements
There was no program.
Mailing list. -- The club mailing list on is available for each and every member to use whenever he or she wishes to send out a radio-related announcement or information to all other club members. It's easy to do: just address the e-mail to and it will be automatically forwarded to all subscribed members. Just make sure the communication relates to ham radio (i.e., no politics, chain letters, advertising, religious proselytizing, etc.).
Next regular business meeting. -- Our next regular business meeting is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 2024, at 11:30 am EST at Tres Amigos in Thomasville. This will also be our "annual meeting," when nominations and elections of club officers will occur. Informal luncheon meetings (not requiring minutes, reports, motions, votes etc., and not involving transaction of club business) are expected to take place as usual on the third Saturdays of July, August, September, October, and December.
* Family rate covers all members who, as of 18 Jan. 2025, live in same household; or any member and his or her spouse.
** Senior rate covers any member whose birthday is on or before 18 Jan. 1955.
Membership confers full voting rights only on licensed amateur radio operators. Unlicensed members cannot vote or serve as officers but have all other club privileges.