The 2024 Nominating Committee, appointed on June 15, 2024 under Bylaws Section 5.2, was directed to announce its nominations by October 1, 2024. Therefore, the committee now announces that it intends to make the following nominations at the next regular business meeting on November 16, 2024, for terms commencing January 1, 2025:
For President: KO4UBU, Chris For Vice President: KO4WXR, Fred For Secretary: No nominee For Treasurer: No nominee
The bylaws state that, "[a]s the first item of new business at the regular November meeting, the Nominating Committee will nominate one, and only one, full member for each elected position, having first determined that each such nominee is willing and able to serve if elected." However, it is impossible for us to nominate anyone for secretary and treasurer because the incumbent, W8LWX, is unwilling to be the committee's nominee and no other member has indicated a willingness to serve.
At the November 16 meeting (11:30 am at Tres Amigos), nominations from the floor will also be permitted for any of the four offices, in addition to those made by our committee. If there is more than one nominee for any office, the outcome will be determined by vote of all full members in attendance. There's no absentee voting, so all members are encouraged to attend.
[SOURCE: KK4RR e-mail to all members via mailer (Oct. 1, 2024, 22:24 EDT).]
NOMINATIONS FROM THE FLOOR. -- I have served as both secretary and treasurer for several years. I'd like to be relieved from at least some of those duties. Please consider stepping up on Nov. 16 as a nominee to serve as club secretary. For someone who lives close to Thomasville, it's not a difficult job. It goes like this:
Show up for each meeting;
Take notes on what happens (the 'meeting minutes'); and
Post those notes on the website and via e-mail within two weeks thereafter.
Don't freak out over the meeting minutes! Most newbies put far too much in them. They just need to say when/where the meeting was, when it started, and when it ended -- and in between, what (if anything) actually got voted on and decided. It's not supposed to be a word-for-word transcript! Just say what was proposed and whether the vote was for or against. You can be chattier than that if you really want (I usually am) but it's not required. See the meeting minutes on this website for examples.
The other important duty of the secretary is to keep the official roster. For the most part, this means keeping track of who's paid up on dues and who isn't. That info comes straight from the club treasurer, really, so it's not hard.
If someone new steps up to be secretary, I'm willing to be nominated from the floor to keep doing the treasurer job another year. Please help if you can.
* Family rate covers all members who, as of 18 Jan. 2025, live in same household; or any member and his or her spouse.
** Senior rate covers any member whose birthday is on or before 18 Jan. 1955.
Membership confers full voting rights only on licensed amateur radio operators. Unlicensed members cannot vote or serve as officers but have all other club privileges.